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Removal of recurring discount

Can you please tell me why a recurring discount i had for some services has stopped with out any heads up, or explanation msg ?
What is the point to give a ****recurring **** discount since most of the times someone buys a discounted service to use it at a later time, if you are to take it back.


  • GiedriusGiedrius Administrator

    @DimitrisA said:
    Can you please tell me why a recurring discount i had for some services has stopped with out any heads up, or explanation msg ?
    What is the point to give a ****recurring **** discount since most of the times someone buys a discounted service to use it at a later time, if you are to take it back.

    please contact us via support chat so that we could see your services and deals you had. I would like to recheck. You may refer to Giedrius, via chat and I will review it.

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