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How to Install Django on AlmaLinux/RockyLinux 9


Django is a powerful, high-level Python web framework that enables developers to create web applications quickly and efficiently. It comes with a variety of built-in tools and libraries designed to streamline the development process and accelerate application creation. Known for its flexibility and robust capabilities, Django is a popular choice among developers.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of installing Django on AlmaLinux 9 And RockyLinux 9.

Important note: This guide focuses on installing Django with Python 3.12. Python 3.12 offers important new features, performance enhancements, and security updates, making it a great choice for new projects and ensuring long-term support. However, for existing projects, it's essential to confirm compatibility before upgrading, as not all Django versions or third-party dependencies may support Python 3.12. Be sure to verify that your Django version is compatible, check your project's dependencies, and test the upgrade in a development or staging environment to prevent any issues with your live application. Always back up your project before making any major changes to the Python version.


Before following this guide to install Django, make sure Python 3.12 is already installed on your system. If not, please refer to our installation guide.

Installation Guide

1. Update the system

As always, first you need to update your system:

dnf update -y

2. Create a Virtual Environment for Django

Create Django virtual environment by running this command:

python3.12 -m venv django_env

Then activate the virtual environment:

source django_env/bin/activate

3. Install Django

Next, install Django by running the following command:

pip install django

Then check installed Django version:

django-admin --version

If it was installed correctly, you should see the version number of Django.

4. Create a new project

Django installed, so now you can create new project. Run this command (you can choose any name for your project, "myproject" is just an example):

django-admin startproject myproject

Navigate to the project directory:

cd myproject

5. Add IP to Allowed Hosts

Next, open the file and add the server's IP address to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list. You can use any text editor of your choice; in this example, we use nano (make sure the path correct and specified with your project name):

nano /tmp/Python-3.12.0/myproject/myproject/

Then find this line:


Add your server's IP (or any other IP) to this line, like in this example:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['server_IP, 'home_IP', 'local_IP'']

Save the file and exit.

6. Apply the migrations

Run the following command to apply all the migrations:

python migrate

7. Create Superuser

Run this command to create superuser for the admin area:

python createsuperuser

After executing the command, you will be prompted to enter a username, email, and password. Provide the necessary details accordingly.

8. Start Django Project

Start the Django development server by running this command with your selected IP (the one you specified in the allowed hosts):

python3 runserver SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8000

9. Access Django Project

You can access your Django project by entering your server's IP address followed by port 8000.


You can access the admin area by entering your server's IP address in the following format:


You will be directed to the login page where you need to enter your superuser credentials:

Once logged in, you will be directed to the Django admin dashboard:


By following this guide, you have successfully installed Django on your server and created your first Django project. With the development server running, you're now ready to begin building your web application.

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