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How To Install Control Web Panel (CWP)

MichailMichail Moderator


Control Web Panel (CWP), previously called CentOS Web Panel, is a free and robust hosting control panel built for easy server management. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface coupled with a comprehensive set of features, including advanced tools for server management, website hosting, email configuration, security, and performance optimization, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced administrators.

Originally designed for CentOS, Control Web Panel can now be installed on other distributions. This guide will walk you through the process of installing CWP on AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9.

Important warning

It is recommended to install Control Web Panel on a fresh, empty server. Installing it on an existing server may modify current configurations and could potentially disrupt the operation of other services.

If your server already has existing configurations, it is highly recommended that all critical data be backed up before proceeding with the installation.

Additionally, during the installation, many components required to run Control Web Panelwill be automatically installed on your server.

  • Apache;
  • PHP;
  • MariaDB;
  • Postfix & Dovecot;
  • Bind.

Installation Guide

1. Update the system

First, update your system:

dnf update && dnf upgrade -y

2. Install essential apckages

Run this command to install wget:

dnf install wget -y

3. Install CWP

First download installer script:


Now run the installation script:

sh cwp-el9-latest

The installation process may take some time.

4. Reboot the server

After the installation is complete, restart the server to apply the changes:


5. Connect to Control Web Panel

You can access your Control Web Panel by entering your server's IP followed by port 2031 in your browser:


You may see a notification about an unsecured connection. This notification appears because the Control Web Panel uses a self-signed SSL certificate by default when it is first installed. However, this does not mean that the connection is unsafe; it simply indicates that the certificate hasn't been verified by a third party. So you can proceed without any issues.

Next, you will see the login page:

Enter your root login credentials and click "Login". We recommend avoiding the "Fast Login (no stats and checks)" option.

After connecting, allow some time for the Control Web Panel to fully load its interface. Once loaded, you will see the dashboard with all its functionality.


The default version of CWP is free, but there are also paid packages available that include additional features. For more information about the pricing, navigate to official website.


Control web panel is an essential tool for simplifying the management of web hosting environments. It provides a user-friendly interface for administering various services, such as managing domains, databases, and email accounts, along with performing tasks like installing software and monitoring server performance.

For more information about control web panel features and tutorials, check the official documentation.

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