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cPanel price hikes

Today, cPanel has unleashed price hikes on its products, see

A lot of cPanel clients were absolutely shocked, as their montly costs will increase incredibly (some even reported a monthly increase of 800%)

I am sure the price hikes will affect the prices Time4VPS charges for cPanel licenses (nothing personal, just thinking realistic). Got any news about any upcoming price changes? :-)



  • GiedriusGiedrius Guest
    edited June 2019
    Hey @Glenno,

    we are aware of these changes by cPanel. At the moment, we are reviewing our current situation with licenses and how to make the transition/price change more smoothly.

    I'd like to ask you to be patient for now, our team will inform about the changes as soon as the decision is made. Keep track on our social channels to hear about the updates.
  • GlennoGlenno Member
    Hi Giedrius,

    Thank you for replying! :-)

    I am sure you guys will find a good solution for this. 

  • Yes, Time4VPS,  you made very smoothly transition ;)

    Instead of giving the real partner prices of your clients in order to reduce the cPanel price increase like some of your competitors companies, you have decided to make a profit from this, right? :)  

  • it is not our intention to profit from the cPanel licenses as it is not our product. However, the integration, administration and certification part of it is done by us. So the price are a slightly larger on our site just to cover these costs.

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