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Can you please provide a KVM storage VPS?

bimonbimon Member

I need a KVM based VPS with a large disk, how to get one with storage optimized fees similar to:

Thank you


  • WilliamWilliam Moderator
    edited April 2019
    Hello Bimon,
    Unfortunately, but our Storage VPS services only comes with OpenVZ virtualization. Custom services are not created on our system and only prepared VPS plans can be chosen. All of our KVM virtualization Linux VPS services can be seen on our page:
    However if you only need large storage for your KVM service, you could also order regular Linux VPS service with KVM virtualization and mount the Storage VPS to it over NFS or Fuse.

  • bimonbimon Member
    >However if you only need large storage for your KVM service, you could also order regular Linux VPS service with KVM virtualization and mount the Storage VPS to it over NFS or Fuse.

    I was going to do almost as you offer, but I need to mount over iSCSI.
    Is it possible to run open iSCSI target inside OpenVZ? 
    Does you kernel support this? 
    Do I need any customizations or support requests to allow iSCSI target inside your OpenVZ VPS?

  • GiedriusGiedrius Administrator
    edited April 2019
    I will refer you to an informative discussion about the iSCSI on OpenVZ:

    We haven't tried such option ourselves as the NFS and FUSE are more common ways to go, however, I believe the iSCSI won't work on Container VPS, due to kernel restrictions.

    Edit. If you are not rushing, I could try this option on our servers in the nearest future. Open a ticket in our system, referring to this topic and I'll try to test it.

  • bimonbimon Member
    I have already seen this lowendtalk discussion a few days ago, but it is very old and outdated.

    It is possible to use at least userspace iSCSI like
    But I am not interested to learn it because I already have a good experience with kernel based LIO included already in Debian distro.

    There are many other storage offerings with KVM for the same price as yours,
    for example:  buyvm and its reseller frantech.
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