I have VPS - KVM Linux 3, I try install centos 7 on cpanel, but I have problem.
If I install cpanel on centos 7 I seem that error "NetworkManager is installed and running, please disabled"
Ok, I try nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add "NM_CONTROLLED=no" and save. But my server is restart, again ifcfg-eth0 no this command "NM_CONTROLLED=no"
Please help me for install Centos 7 on cpanel, because anathoer my server centos 7 and cpanel, on time4vps.
I dont want to your cpanel template, because your template centos 6.
Best Regards
this can be resolved by removing the NetworkManager service, with a following command:
yum remove NetworkManager
Once the NetworkManager removed, you can proceed with cPanel installation, without a problem. However, if you make other custom changes, the situation may change.