I thought it was a little weird that the server did no have any DNS configured after install. So "yum" did not work at first not being able to resolve the resource domains.
After installing webmin/virtualmin I noticed that under Network configuration "Active at boot" it just says "lo". But at "active now" it also includes eht0. On my other VPS from different hosting company under "Active at Boot" I can see eth0 always.
Somehow "eth0" is not listed as active? It is clearly working the server is reachable as normal. Is this a bug maybe in webmin or is time4vps configuring networking on an kvm instance externally?
The only thing I did was change the hostname in the time4vps webinterface after installing virtualmin.
It is on Centos7 maybe because it uses network manager?
EDIT: I think webmin wants to manage the service "network" but CentOS 7 uses "Network Manager" which is mostly GUI based. Whenever the server is rebooted. The settings are overwritten.
I don't know if it really makes a difference in other aspects but I think webmin module is for network only and not network manager
EDIT2: running the command "nmtui" on CentOS 7 launches the text-gui to manage NetworkManager there you can change the Nameserver to include this is important if you are running your own nameserver on the vps and want new domains to be live straight away.
editing resolv.conf manually doesn'tdo the trick because this NetworkManager always overwrites it.
Anyway, coming from debian I didn't know about this. At least in the older debian 7. It uses the standard networking service