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I run vestacp in centos 6. I was wondering, how do I make vestacp the "dns controller"

Nothing works in vestacp dns. Dkim, SPF, etc. Are not valid anywhere. But if I put the values in time4vps dns it works.

I want vestacp to be the dnshost, everything is already setup there. How do I co figure time4vps dns to make vestacp the "handler" of all dnsrecords?


  • I'd be glad to help you configure VestaCP as your primary DNS controller on CentOS 6. Here are the steps involved:

    1. Disable Time4VPS DNS Management:

    • Log in to your Time4VPS control panel.
    • Locate the DNS management section for your server (might be named "Nameservers" or "DNS").
    • Disable DNS management on Time4VPS. This will prevent it from overriding your VestaCP DNS settings.

    2. Verify VestaCP DNS Nameservers:

    • Within VestaCP, navigate to the "Server" section.
    • Ensure that the listed nameservers are correct and point to your server's IP address. You might need to update them if they're currently pointing to Time4VPS nameservers.

    3. Update DNS Records in VestaCP:

    • Access the "DNS" section in VestaCP.
    • Select the domain you want to manage DNS records for.
    • Create the necessary records (A, MX, CNAME, etc.) with the appropriate values for your services (website, email, etc.).

    4. Propagate DNS Changes:

    • Once you've created the DNS records in VestaCP, the changes may take some time (usually up to 24 hours) to propagate across the internet. This means it might take some time for your DNS settings to reflect across different DNS servers globally.

    Additional Considerations:

    • VestaCP DNS Version: VestaCP relies on its own version of BIND (named "named-vestacp"). Ensure it's running correctly and not conflicting with any other BIND instances on your server.
    • Firewall Rules: Verify that your server's firewall (e.g., iptables) allows inbound traffic on port 53 (UDP and TCP) for DNS queries.
    • Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues with your DNS records, double-check the configuration in VestaCP and ensure there are no syntax errors. You can also use tools like dig or host to check the propagation of your DNS records.

    By following these steps and considering the additional points, you should be able to successfully set up VestaCP as your primary DNS controller on CentOS 6 and manage your DNS records directly within VestaCP.

    Important Note:

    While VestaCP provides basic DNS management functionality, it might not be as feature-rich or robust as dedicated DNS hosting providers. If you require advanced DNS features or high-performance DNS resolution, consider exploring professional DNS hosting services. Visit

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